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You are here: Home / Competences / Platforms and equipment / In House Sequencing platform (PSI) / Publications / Publications / Papillary and reticular fibroblasts generate distinct microenvironments that differentially impact angiogenesis

Papillary and reticular fibroblasts generate distinct microenvironments that differentially impact angiogenesis

A. Mauroux, P. Joncour, N. Brassard-Jollive, H. Bacar, B. Gillet, S. Hughes, C. Ardidie-Robouant, L. Marchand, A. Liabotis, P. Mailly, C. Monnot, S. Germain, S. Bordes, B. Closs, F. Ruggiero, and L. Muller (2023)

Acta Biomater., 168:210–222.

Dermis; Fibroblast cell sheet; Matrisome; Microenvironment; Vascularization

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