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You are here: Home / Competences / Platforms and equipment / In House Sequencing platform (PSI) / Publications / Publications / Chronological aging impacts abundance, function and microRNA content of extracellular vesicles produced by human epidermal keratinocytes

Chronological aging impacts abundance, function and microRNA content of extracellular vesicles produced by human epidermal keratinocytes

T. Nedachi, C. Bonod, J. Rorteau, W. Chinoune, Y. Ishiuchi, S. Hughes, B. Gillet, N. Bechetoille, D. Sigaudo-Roussel, and J. Lamartine (2023)

Aging (Albany NY), 15(22):12702–12722.

aging; exosomes; keratinocytes; microRNA; senescence

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