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You are here: Home / Teams / Matrix biology and pathology - F. RUGGIERO / Publications / publications-ruggiero / Low resolution structure determination shows procollagen C-proteinase enhancer to be an elongated multidomain glycoprotein

Low resolution structure determination shows procollagen C-proteinase enhancer to be an elongated multidomain glycoprotein

S. Bernocco, B. M Steiglitz, D. I Svergun, M. V Petoukhov, F. Ruggiero, S. Ricard-Blum, C. Ebel, C. Geourjon, G. Deleage, B. Font, D. Eichenberger, D. S Greenspan, and D. J Hulmes (2003)

J Biol Chem, 278(9):7199-205.

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