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References to publications, sorted by year and author.

Zhou, Q, Froschauer, A, Schultheis, C, Schmidt, C, Bienert, GP, Wenning, M, Dettai, A, and Volff, JN (2006).
Helitron Transposons on the Sex Chromosomes of the Platyfish Xiphophorus maculatus and Their Evolution in Animal Genomes
Zebrafish, 3(1):39-52.

Bardet, PL, Horard, B, Laudet, V, and Vanacker, JM (2005).
The ERRalpha orphan nuclear receptor controls morphogenetic movements during zebrafish gastrulation
Dev Biol, 281(1):102-11.

Bardet, PL, Schubert, M, Horard, B, Holland, LZ, Laudet, V, Holland, ND, and Vanacker, JM (2005).
Expression of estrogen-receptor related receptors in amphioxus and zebrafish: implications for the evolution of posterior brain segmentation at the invertebrate-to-vertebrate transition
Evol Dev, 7(3):223-33.

Brandt, J, Schrauth, S, Veith, AM, Froschauer, A, Haneke, T, Schultheis, C, Gessler, M, Leimeister, C, and Volff, JN (2005).
Transposable elements as a source of genetic innovation: expression and evolution of a family of retrotransposon-derived neogenes in mammals
Gene, 345(1):101-11.

Brandt, J, Veith, AM, and Volff, JN (2005).
A family of neofunctionalized Ty3/gypsy retrotransposon genes in mammalian genomes
Cytogenet Genome Res, 110(1-4):307-17.

Colige, A, Ruggiero, F, Vandenberghe, I, Dubail, J, Kesteloot, F, Van Beeumen, J, Beschin, A, Brys, L, Lapiere, CM, and Nusgens, B (2005).
Domains and maturation processes that regulate the activity of ADAMTS-2, a metalloproteinase cleaving the aminopropeptide of fibrillar procollagens types I-III and V
J Biol Chem, 280(41):34397-408.

Ebner, A, Cabernard, C, Affolter, M, and Merabet, S (2005).
Recognition of distinct target sites by a unique Labial/Extradenticle/Homothorax complex
Development, 132(7):1591-600.

El Haidani, AKAHAHAVA and K.S., I (2005).
Study of the olive fruits infestation by Bactrocera oleae in the area of fez in Morocco and their fertility in the laboratory.
Mor. J. Biol., 1:19-29.

Fischer, C, Bouneau, L, Coutanceau, JP, Weissenbach, J, Ozouf-Costaz, C, and Volff, JN (2005).
Diversity and clustered distribution of retrotransposable elements in the compact genome of the pufferfish Tetraodon nigroviridis
Cytogenet Genome Res, 110(1-4):522-36.

Merabet, S, Ebner, A, and Affolter, M (2005).
The Drosophila Extradenticle and Homothorax selector proteins control branchless/FGF expression in mesodermal bridge-cells
EMBO Rep, 6(8):762-8.

Merabet, S, Hombria, JC, Hu, N, Pradel, J, and Graba, Y (2005).
Hox-controlled reorganisation of intrasegmental patterning cues underlies Drosophila posterior spiracle organogenesis
Development, 132(13):3093-102.

Merabet, S, Pradel, J, and Graba, Y (2005).
Getting a molecular grasp on Hox contextual activity
Trends Genet, 21(9):477-80.

Merceron, G, Blondel, C, De Bonis, L, Koufos, GD, and Viriot, L (2005).
A new method of dental microwear analysis: Application to extant primates and Ouranopithecus macedoniensis (Late Miocene of Greece)
Palaios, 20(6):551-561.

Merceron, G, de Bonis, L, Viriot, L, and Blondel, C (2005).
Dental microwear of fossil bovids from northern Greece: paleoenvironmental conditions in the eastern Mediterranean during the Messinian
Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology, 217(3-4):173-185.

Merceron, G, de Bonis, L, Viriot, L, and Blondel, C (2005).
Dental microwear of the late Miocene bovids of northern Greece: Vallesian/Turolian environmental changes and disappearance of Ouranopithecus macedoniensis?
Bulletin De La Societe Geologique De France, 176(5):475-484.

Moali, C, Font, B, Ruggiero, F, Eichenberger, D, Rousselle, P, Francois, V, Oldberg, A, Bruckner-Tuderman, L, and Hulmes, DJ (2005).
Substrate-specific modulation of a multisubstrate proteinase. C-terminal processing of fibrillar procollagens is the only BMP-1-dependent activity to be enhanced by PCPE-1
J Biol Chem, 280(25):24188-94.

Pavlopoulos, A and Averof, M (2005).
Establishing genetic transformation for comparative developmental studies in the crustacean Parhyale hawaiensis
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 102(22):7888-93.

Peterkova, R, Lesot, H, Viriot, L, and Peterka, M (2005).
The supernumerary cheek tooth in tabby/EDA mice - a reminiscence of the premolar in mouse ancestors
Archives of Oral Biology, 50(2):219-225.

Ricard-Blum, S and Ruggiero, F (2005).
The collagen superfamily: from the extracellular matrix to the cell membrane
Pathol Biol (Paris), 53(7):430-42.

Ruggiero, F, Roulet, M, and Bonod-Bidaud, C (2005).
[Dermis collagens: beyond their structural properties]
J Soc Biol, 199(4):301-11.

Schafer, M, Kinzel, D, Neuner, C, Schartl, M, Volff, JN, and Winkler, C (2005).
Hedgehog and retinoid signalling confines nkx2.2b expression to the lateral floor plate of the zebrafish trunk
Mech Dev, 122(1):43-56.

Volff, JN (2005).
Genome evolution and biodiversity in teleost fish
Heredity (Edinb), 94(3):280-94.

Bardet, PL, Obrecht-Pflumio, S, Thisse, C, Laudet, V, Thisse, B, and Vanacker, JM (2004).
Cloning and developmental expression of five estrogen-receptor related genes in the zebrafish
Dev Genes Evol, 214(5):240-9.

Bonnafe, E, Touka, M, AitLounis, A, Baas, D, Barras, E, Ucla, C, Moreau, A, Flamant, F, Dubruille, R, Couble, P, Collignon, J, Durand, B, and Reith, W (2004).
The transcription factor RFX3 directs nodal cilium development and left-right asymmetry specification
Mol Cell Biol, 24(10):4417-27.

Chanut-Delalande, H, Bonod-Bidaud, C, Cogne, S, Malbouyres, M, Ramirez, F, Fichard, A, and Ruggiero, F (2004).
Development of a functional skin matrix requires deposition of collagen V heterotrimers
Mol Cell Biol, 24(13):6049-57.