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Image Photo_KPadmanabhan_90x90
Image PNG image Photo_KPadmanabhan_150x196
Image PNG image Figure 1: Circadian expression of the Rev-Luc transgene in mice by bioluminescence imaging.
Figure 1: Circadian expression of the Rev-Luc transgene in mice by bioluminescence imaging. Left, representative luminescent imaging of the same anesthetized Rev-Luc reporter transgenic mice over time for the ventral and dorsal faces. Right, quantitative bioluminescence radiance as a function of zeitgeber time for ventral (n=34) and dorsal (n=15) expositions. The fitted dark line represents the mean cosine wave of best fit with a 24 h period. (Canaple et al, Unpublished)
Image PNG image Figure 2. Real time bioluminescence
Image PNG image Ligue logo
Image JPEG image Atip avenir
Image PNG image Inserm
Image object code Reveal logo
Image object code new lab logo
Image object code h2020logo
Image object code ANR logo
Image PNG image REVEAL1-final.png
Image PNG image pAI logo.png
Image JPEG image ARC-20210316-464_WEB copy.jpg
Image esc room
Image JPEG image Organoid web
Image JPEG image ScRnaseq web
Image PNG image AI ML 2D web
Image JPEG image Nanopore web
Image JPEG image mouse web
Image JPEG image 20230602 132310(0)
Image JPEG image aura_logo.jpg
Image JPEG image frm logo.jpg