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FRM supports IGFL

In research, distinctions are often made between "fundamental" research (research aimed at better understanding the world), and "applied" research (research aimed directly at medical or economic applications).

At the IGFL, we focus on the former, to nourish the latter.

By questioning how genes and their regulation control the development, physiology and evolution of multiple organisms, our research not only contributes to a better understanding of living organisms, but also promotes a better understanding of the altered biological basis of diseases and physiological conditions such as undernutrition, muscular dystrophy, cancer and neurodegenerative disorders.

Advances in fundamental research stimulate preclinical and clinical advances over the long term, but the reverse is also true, in a constant back-and-forth process.  With this in mind, France's leading charitable funder of medical research, the  Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale (FRM) has been supporting the IGFL since 2012.

The FRM has thus been able to support the setting up of new research teams on the role of protein interactions during development in 2012, on the development of the neuromuscular system and on  gene regulation mechanisms in 2017, and most recently on the development of neural stem cells. The FRM is also regularly involved in funding doctoral and post-doctoral projects at the IGFL, enabling us to study, for example, the role of the microbiota in contexts of undernutrition, the role of collagen in bone development, how organism adapt to new environment, or even how tissues regenerate.  

With four FRM-accredited teams, more than a third of our teams are  supported by the foundation! 

None of this would be possible without your donations to the FRM!  Many thanks for your generosity. A visit will be soon organised with the donors to open the doors of the IGFL!