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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Publications avant IGFL / L. VIRIOT - Evo-devo of vertebrate dentition / Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Chadian vertebrate faunas: paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications.

Late Miocene to Early Pliocene Chadian vertebrate faunas: paleoenvironmental and paleobiogeographical implications.

L. Viriot, P. Vignaud, J. R Boisserie, E. Fara, F. Guy, F. Lihoreau, T. Lehmann, M. Schuster, C. Blondel, P. Duringer, A. Likius, H. T Mackaye, O. Otero, and M. Brunet (2007)

Naturwissenschaften, 94(71-75).

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