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You are here: Home / Publications avant IGFL / J.-N. VOLFF - Fish evolutionary genomics / The genetic map of Xiphophorus fishes represented by 24 multipoint linkage groups

The genetic map of Xiphophorus fishes represented by 24 multipoint linkage groups

S. Kazianis, R. S Nairn, R. B Walter, D. A Johnston, J. Kumar, D. Trono, L. Della-Coletta, I. Gimenez-Conti, J. D Rains, E. L Williams, B. M Pino, M. M Mamerow, K. J Kochan, M. Schartl, J. R Vielkind, J. N Volff, B. Woolcock, and D. C Morizot (2004)

Zebrafish, 1(3):287-304.

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