- B. Charrier
- Photo identity B. Charrier
- M. Zilliox
- Photo Identity M. Zilliox
- B. Billoud
- Photo identity B. Billoud
- European Commission
- Logo EU
- Logo ERC
- Viscuous material
- Honey
- Lego
- Lego
- Ropes of sailing boat
- Filins
- Ropes of sailing boat-2
- Filin + voile
- Plastic material
- Dough
- Elastic material
- Spring
- Viscous & Co
- Viscous elastic plastic
- Logo ENS Lyon
- Logo ENS Lyon
- Logo X (twitter)
- Logo X
- Ectocarpus
- Ectocarpus
- Saccharina
- Saccharina
- Diversity of brown algae morphologies
- Diversity of brown algae morphologies
- Fucus serratus
- Fucus serratus
- Vidéo simulation-1
- Simulation modelling-1
- Tanguy Dufourt
- Tanguy
- Tanguy Dufourt
- Tanguy Dufourt
- Alexis Martel photo
- Cover page Development November 2023
- Cover page Journal Development Nov2023
- Photo-ablated Sphacelaria
- Laser ablated Sphacelaria
- Logo COST
- Logo EU
- Logo SFBD
- Logo RAP
- Logo CNRS
- Logo Phycomorph
- Logo ENSL
- Marie au 2P
- Martine et Saccharina
- Tanguy avec enfants
- Alexis écran microsc
- Montage MBA@Tara
- Montage MBA@Tara_bis
- Post-doc announcement ERC2_screenshot
- Fucus eggs
- Fucus eggs
- Sphacelaria-Calco-1
- By Alexis Martel
- Photo team for The Node
- Photos
- Post-doc announcement 2
- Post-doc 2 screen-shot
- Ben@EED2024
- Marie@EED2024
- EED2024_Logo
- Team photo
- Villefranche_Sept2024
- Roman Milstein
- Dylan Moulis
- Team photo Oct2024
- Photo Doron
- Photo Chloé
- Marie Vimeo
- Marie Vimeo_contrast
- Podcast
- AI-generated podcast about Theodorou & Charrier, Development 2023
- Foto group
- Foto-team-1
- Foto-team-2
- Foto-team-3
- 3ème_2024_Roman
- Dylan_Roman_3ème
- Kelp zygote with a corset of alginate