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Vous êtes ici : Accueil / Équipes / Morphogenèse des algues brunes - B. CHARRIER / L'équipe / Doron Grossman

Doron Grossman

About me



I am an interdisciplinary researcher, studying shapes across disciplines.

I am interested in the shape, fluctuations, and mechanics of biological and chemical systems (from self assemblies, proteins ,and DNA to tissues and organs). I am especially interested in physical aspects of  morphogenesis and the material (continuum) description of living systems, including how they assume shape and fluctuate around it. I have published works in high impact factor journals, such as Nature Communications, PNAS, PRL, PRE, and have collaborators all over the works, from France to Australia in a wide range of disciplines.

At the Charrier lab I am working on modelling the effects of cell wall mechanics on the cell division - plane orientation, and how do they couple to internal cellular processes.


Previously I worked at LadHyx (Ecole Polyechnique) with prof. Arezki Boudaoud, on developing continuum models of plant growth.
Before that, I was at the College - de - France, and worked with prof. Jean-Francois Joanny on rheology an mechanics of epithelial tissues (vertex model).


My scholar page


Among my hobbies - making things move (in the movie - home-made humidity responsinve material, responding to minute humidity changes):


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