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This folder holds the following references to publications, sorted by year and author.

There are 14 references in this bibliography folder.

Bouchet, M, Urdy, S, Guan, W, Kabir, C, Garvis, S, and Enriquez, J (2023).
A simple smiFISH pipeline to quantify mRNA at the single-cell level in 3D
STAR Protoc, 4(2):102316.

Guan, W, Nie, Z, Laurençon, A, Bouchet, M, Godin, C, Kabir, C, Darnas, A, and Enriquez, J (2023).
The role of Imp and Syp RBPs in precise neuronal elimination by apoptosis through the regulation of TFs
Elife - in press.

Guan, W, Bellemin, S, Bouchet, M, Venkatasubramanian, L, Guillermin, C, Laurençon, A, Kabir, C, Darnas, A, Godin, C, Urdy, S, Mann, R, and Enriquez, J (2022).
Post-transcriptional regulation of transcription factor codes in immature neurones drives neuronal diversity
Cell Reports, 39:110992.

Guillermin, C, Bouchet, M, Garcès, A, and Enriquez, J (2020).
[Development and maintenance of the neuromuscular system]
Med Sci (Paris), 36 Hors série n° 2:13–16.

Babski, H, Jovanic, T, Surel, C, Yoshikawa, S, Zwart, MF, Valmier, J, Thomas, JB, Enriquez, J, Carroll, P, and Garcès, A (2019).
A GABAergic Maf-expressing interneuron subset regulates the speed of locomotion in Drosophila
Nature Communications, 10(1):4796.

Au Guan, W, Au Venkatasubramanian, L, Au Baek, M, Au Mann, RS, and Au Enriquez, J (2018).
Visualize Drosophila Leg Motor Neuron Axons Through the Adult Cuticle

Enriquez, J, Rio, LQ, Blazeski, R, Bellemin, S, Godement, P, Mason, C, and Mann, RS (2018).
Differing Strategies Despite Shared Lineages of Motor Neurons and Glia to Achieve Robust Development of an Adult Neuropil in Drosophila
Neuron, 97(3):538–554.

Enriquez, J, Venkatasubramanian, L, Baek, M, Peterson, M, Aghayeva, U, and Mann, RS (2015).
Specification of individual adult motor neuron morphologies by combinatorial transcription factor codes
Neuron, 86(4):955–970.

Baek, M, Enriquez, J, and Mann, RS (2013).
Dual role for Hox genes and Hox co-factors in conferring leg motoneuron survival and identity in Drosophila
Development, 140(9):2027-38.

Boukhatmi, H, Frendo, JL, Enriquez, J, Crozatier, M, Dubois, L, and Vincent, A (2012).
Tup/Islet1 integrates time and position to specify muscle identity in Drosophila
Development, 139(19):3572–3582.

Enriquez, J, de Taffin, M, Crozatier, M, Vincent, A, and Dubois, L (2012).
Combinatorial coding of Drosophila muscle shape by Collier and Nautilus
Dev Biol, 363(1):27–39.

Enriquez, J and Vincent, A (2010).
Segmental variations in the patterns of somatic muscles: what roles for Hox?
Fly (Austin), 4(3):249-52.

Enriquez, J, Boukhatmi, H, Dubois, L, Philippakis, AA, Bulyk, ML, Michelson, AM, Crozatier, M, and Vincent, A (2010).
Multi-step control of muscle diversity by Hox proteins in the Drosophila embryo
Development, 137(3):457-66.

Dubois, L, Enriquez, J, Daburon, V, Crozet, F, Lebreton, G, Crozatier, M, and Vincent, A (2007).
Collier transcription in a single Drosophila muscle lineage: the combinatorial control of muscle identity
Development, 134(24):4347-55.

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