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The donors of the FRM recently visited the IGFL

The IGFL had the pleasure of welcoming donors from the FRM (Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale) for a visit to its laboratories. This moment of exchange allowed the visitors to gain a concrete understanding of the researchers' work and learn more about ongoing projects.

Accompanied by researchers from the institute, the visitors had the opportunity to explore the facilities and the scientific projects being carried out. They were able to understand how fundamental research contributes, in the long run, to the development of new therapeutic approaches. The discussions with scientists were insightful and provided a deeper understanding of the challenges of fundamental research.

This enriching meeting highlighted the importance of supporting research and the key role that the FRM plays in advancing scientific knowledge.

The IGFL warmly thanks the FRM and its donors for their commitment and trust, which are essential in advancing science for the benefit of health.