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 GALIANA Delphine
  • Status : MCF (Enseignant Chercheur)
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : SFR
  • Status : M2 student
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : Functional genomics of thyroid signaling
 GEOFFROY Stéphanie
  • Status : AI CDD
  • Institution : --
  • Team : Functional genomics of host/intestinal bacteria interactions
  • Status : AI CDD
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : Functional genomics of host/intestinal bacteria interactions
  • Status : post-Doc
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Comparative Developmental Biology and Regeneration
 GINOT Samuel
  • Status : Post-Doc
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Biomodeling
 GÓMEZ Alexia
  • Status : Researcher, CDD
  • Institution : ENS
  • Team : Aging, reproduction and metabolism
 GRASSO Alexia
  • Status : PhD Student
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Developmental epigenomics
 GRENIER Théodore
  • Status : PhD student
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : Functional genomics of host/intestinal bacteria interactions
  • Status : post-Doc
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Comparative Developmental Biology and Regeneration
  • Status : PhD student
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : CIRI team: B. PY - NLRP3 inflammasome (CIRI team hosted by IGFL)
 GROVER Manish
  • Status : post-Doc
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Aging, reproduction and metabolism
 GUAN Wenyue
  • Status : Researcher CDD
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Development and function of the neuromuscular system
 GUENSER Pauline
  • Status : M2 student
  • Institution : -
  • Team : Biomodeling
  • Status : ESTBB Student
  • Institution : ENS
  • Team : Functional genomics of host/intestinal bacteria interactions
  • Status : M2 Student
  • Institution : UCBL
  • Team : Functional genomics of host/intestinal bacteria interactions
  • Status : PhD Student
  • Institution : ENS de Lyon
  • Team : Development and function of the neuromuscular system
  • Status : Researcher CDD
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Matrix Biology and Pathology
 GUILLOU Aurélien
  • Status : IE, CDD
  • Institution : CNRS
  • Team : Comparative Developmental Biology and Regeneration