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About the IGFL...

We are a research unit jointly managed by the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, the CNRS and the Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, as well has being affiliated to INRA. We are interested in functional genomics, that is to say in the way living organisms function, develop and evolve, and how their genomes control these fundamental processes and allow them to adapt to their environment. 

The IGFL’s originality comes from bringing together, under one roof, leading scientists from different backgrounds. The IGFL’s new building houses molecular biologists, embryologists, endrocrinologists, specialists in bioinformatics, evolutionary scientists, cell biologists, palaeontologists, physiologists and genome specialists. This makes for a very fertile environment where these varied approaches can come together and cross-fertilize. Our bet is that this environment will foster otherwise improbable collaborations and lead to new integrative approaches. We are convinced that a multi-disciplinary approach will lead to an improved understanding of ‘life’, and our aim is to contribute to this conceptual and technological revolution.

The IGFL focuses primarily on fundamental research. Nevertheless, we are also committed to translational opportunities and have links with the private sector, who are interested in our findings. A number of start-up biotechnology firms have been derived from IGFL research and we are always on the look-out for private sector partners and sponsors.

The IGFL consists of independent research teams covering a wide range of research, described here